A high-quality information portal for the crypto-community! With over 100+ different coins 6 International Exchanges, and over 1000+ news sources around the world to keep you up to date with everything crypto! More Information!
It seems everywhere I turn these days, rather its regional or global, there is censorship. Now, there are plenty of causes and problems that directly fuel this social paradigm, but the one that stood out for me was the influence of ‘money’ upon the system of information – it is simply staggering how compromised information sources become because they, by necessity, are profit driven entities.
Money begets power, and power is inherently corrupting in nature. Before long there is a ‘narrative’ and ‘agenda’s’ – these lines in the sand divide communities the world over with a variety of result ranging from mildly annoying to utterly tragic. An evidence-based system becomes nothing but a buzzword feeder for a rabid and bias community that becomes so polarized that their internal narrative won’t even accept the evidence, regardless of how overwhelming.
This is not productive, Nor does this have to be the way.
Crypto.Press aims to solve this rather robust problem, but systematically automating every single piece of the collection and dissemination of information in the app to create a living information portal that connects the average cryptoer to the greater community.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>